
hypermail is a web based centralized, policy driven secure email system for the educational market. hypermail is a service within the hypernet Cloud and requires no installation or desktop encryption software and is so easy to use that no end-user training is required. hypermail offers schools central and secure storage of email messages including journaling and secure archiving.

hypermail Secure Email Service automatically and seamlessly enforces highest security level by encrypting emails that are sent and automatically decrypting incoming emails without user intervention. This is valid for all emails sent and received within the hypernet community. For external emails (outside of hypernet) emails are sent to external recipients regular email address as links to a secure email hypermail Web portal where external users can receive and reply to secure emails from and to hypermail, thereby not requiring external users to have access to secure email clients while still being able to communicate securely with hypernet users. This approach makes the system compliant with most regulations and legislations.